Reducing Food Waste with a Kitchen Compost Bin: Tips and Tricks

The issue of food waste is one of the most pressing environmental challenges of the 21st century. Around 68.76 million tonnes of food is thrown away in India every year. One viable solution to this growing issue lies in an age-old practice — composting. This article delves into how you can use a kitchen compost bin to reduce food waste, offering practical tips and tricks along the way.

What is Composting?

Composting is the process of converting organic material into a nutrient-rich soil conditioner, a perfect supplement for your garden. This practice doesn’t only help reduce landfill waste but also nourishes the soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, creating a more sustainable cycle.

Choosing the Right Compost Bin

A fundamental aspect of successful composting is choosing the right compost bin. Kitchen compost bins are smaller, odor-free, and designed for indoor use. When choosing a kitchen compost bin, consider factors such as size, material, and design. Look for a bin with a tight lid to prevent any unpleasant smells, and make sure it has a removable inner bucket for easy cleaning.

What to Compost?

When it comes to composting, not all food waste is created equal. Ideal compostable items include fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and loose-leaf tea. You can also add non-food items like newspaper strips, brown paper bags, and leaves.
Avoid composting meat, dairy products, and oil, as these can create unpleasant odors, attract pests, and slow down the composting process. Similarly, treated wood products, glossy paper, and pet waste should be excluded as they can introduce toxins into your compost pile.

Composting Process

After you have your bin and know what to compost, it’s time to start. For best results, maintain a good balance between green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials. The green materials include kitchen waste like fruit and vegetable scraps, while the brown materials are leaves, twigs, and paper.

As a general rule of thumb, aim for a ratio of about 3:1 browns to greens. This will ensure the pile has a healthy mix of nutrients and helps control moisture levels. The compost should feel damp but not wet.

Turn the compost every week or so using a garden fork or shovel. This aids in faster decomposition as it helps to aerate the pile and evenly distribute the moisture and heat. If the compost smells bad, it’s usually because it’s too wet or compact, and turning it can help resolve this issue.

Using Your Compost

The composting process can take anywhere from two months to a year, depending on your climate and the composition of your pile. When it’s ready, it should look dark and crumbly, much like fertile garden soil.
Your homemade compost can be used in various ways, such as a soil conditioner for your garden, a potting mix component, or a lawn top dressing.

Composting Tips and Tricks

  • Chop your kitchen waste: The smaller the pieces, the faster they will decompose.
  • Balance your compost: If the compost is too wet, add more brown materials. If it’s too dry, add more green materials or a bit of water.
  • Turn your compost: Regularly turning your compost bin will speed up the composting process and prevent foul odors.
  • Know your compostables: Remember what you can and can’t compost to ensure a healthy, effective compost bin.


In conclusion, a kitchen compost bin is a simple and efficient way to reduce food waste and create a valuable resource for your garden. Not only does it reduce the environmental impact of food waste, but it also leads to healthier soil and a more flourishing garden. Armed with the knowledge of how to compost correctly, we can each play a part in mitigating the pressing issue of food waste and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Reviewed by Swapnil
Expert Author Swapnil

Swapnil is the leading reviewer for home and kitchen products with over five years of experience. She writes reviews for the readers of OneReview. She reviews products in a straightforward manner by extensively studying, analyzing, comparing, and then reviewing them in depth. This enables the reader to understand the value of the product they are looking for, and then buy it with confidence.View all posts by Swapnil.

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